We have represented, among many others:

  • The world’s largest HIV/AIDS medical provider (a non-profit) against Michelle Baass, in her capacity as Director of California Department of Health Care Services, in obtaining a preliminary injunction prohibiting the Department from relying on AHF’s protected speech to terminate, refuse to extend, or amend the astonishingly successful Positive Healthcare Special Needs Plan for people of limited economic means living with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

  • The world’s largest HIV/AIDS medical provider (a non-profit) and its 62 wholly owned, accredited, specialty pharmacies against the nation’s largest pharmacy benefits manager in an American Arbitration Association arbitration and subsequent award confirmation proceedings in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona, which resulted in a judgment against the pharmacy benefits manager for $24,345,313.66 plus post-judgment interest at the daily rate of over $1,900 until paid

  • A world-famous athlete in a fraud, breach of contract and breach of fiduciary duty case in securing a judgment in excess of $11,000,000, which was the 46th largest commercial litigation verdict in the United States and the 3rd largest breach of fiduciary duty verdict in California in 2019;

  • An actor claiming that a fellow actor in a television series sexually harassed and threatened her;

  • A California exporter in a civil RICO action claiming that an employee and officer stole massive funds and laundered those funds through Chinese banks and assets;

  • A world famous athlete claiming extortion and revenge porn in a Doe action;

  • A network of high end automobile dealerships against claims by a print model of misappropriation of likeness;

  • A manufacturer and its officers against breach of contract claims by a minority member concerning an alleged obligation to redeem the minority member’s ownership interest;

  • A television writer and a producer team in an idea submission, breach of contract and breach of implied in fact contract action against a production company, television studio and network;

  • A judgment creditor in collection activities, including without limitation execution levies and sales of judgment debtors’ assets, obtaining charging orders and filing separate fraudulent transfer actions;

  • A non-profit provider of medical care to people living with HIV and AIDS regardless of ability to pay in administrative appeals pertaining to the setting of capitation rates and in lawsuits filed in state and federal court alleging, among others, retaliation by Los Angeles County employees and certain elected officials;

  • A high net worth investor in a breach of third party beneficiary contract and breach of fiduciary duty action against an administrator of an equity fund;

  • A nationally renowned sports agent in negotiations to depart from an agency and to sell to that agency his ownership interest;

  • A well-known, critically acclaimed award winning screenwriter in defense of a claim of breach of contract filed by the screenwriter’s literary agent;

  • A network of radio stations against claims of wrongful termination by the stations’ general manager;

  • A wholesale insurance broker against claims of misappropriation of trade secrets;

  • A high net worth individual and companies affiliated with him in defense of a fraudulent transfer action;

  • A Chinese industrial manufacturer of various products, including motors for spas and swimming pools, in defense of allegations of misappropriation of trade secrets and tortious interference with contract and prospective economic advantage, among others;

  • A worldwide famous soft drink manufacturer in prosecuting counterfeiting and gray marketeering and other types of trademark and copyright infringement;

  • Various designers and manufacturers of apparel and accessories in developing, implementing and policing worldwide anti-piracy programs with respect to conventional “brick and mortar” stores, on-line wholesalers and retailers and street vendors;

  • A large charitable trust in defense of and prosecuting actions in multiple fora, including California Probate Court, United States District Court and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, alleging breach of contract, among other things, brought by and against, among others, a major well-known distiller;

  • The family of a deceased actor in a nationally publicized wrongful death lawsuit brought against the actor’s physicians and the hospital at which he died;

  • A film production company in a 21-day arbitration concerning breach of contract and fraud brought against the world’s largest independent distributor of theatrical feature films;

  • One of the world’s largest independent producers and distributors of theatrical feature films in a 30-day arbitration involving breach of contract and business torts brought against a digital visual effects vendor;

  • Two critically acclaimed, Emmy-nominated television screenwriters against one of the major television studios concerning the studio’s deprivation of writing credit and compensation from the writing team;

  • Numerous actors, writers, producers and directors in disputes with major feature film or television studios, independent film or television distributors and/or film or television production companies concerning the payment of contingent proceeds (or “net profits”) flowing from the exploitation of various feature films and television shows;

  • Numerous actors, writers, directors, talent agents and talent and/or business managers in disputes concerning payment or nonpayment of management and/or talent agency commissions;

  • An industrial manufacturer of chemical compounds used to test human blood for various diseases, proteins, antibodies, enzymes and controlled substances, among others, in defense of a misappropriation of trade secrets lawsuit;

  • A vendor of digital visual effects in defense of an action brought by a software manufacturer alleging misappropriation of trade secrets and breach of confidentiality agreement;

  • An industrial manufacturer of autoclaves in prosecuting and defending trade secret and unfair competition lawsuits;

  • An owner of digital download rights in a highly sought-after rap music catalogue in defense of allegations by a bankruptcy trustee in an adversary proceeding of preferences and fraudulent transfers;

  • A high net worth investor in a lawsuit against the administrators of a multi-hundred million dollar theatrical feature film fund seeking a “finder’s fee” for a $75 million cash investment brought to the fund;

  • A high net worth investor and hedge fund manager in a $5 million fraud lawsuit against a software company;

  • An independent German film distributor and financier in prosecuting against an American film financier and production company a 21 day arbitration involving breach of contract and business torts;

  • an independent producer in a 10-day jury trial against her former partner for breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty and other business torts;

  • An actress in a 3-day bench trial in defense of allegations by a film director and producer of breach of contract and fraud;

  • A fledgling sports agency (now one of the nation’s largest in terms of number of professional athlete clients represented) and its individual agents and staff in defense of allegations of misappropriation of trade secrets and other business torts by one of the nation’s largest sports agencies at the time;

  • A critically acclaimed feature film screenwriter in defense of allegations of joint venture and implied-in-fact contract brought by a producer of docudramas; and

  • A critically acclaimed feature film screenwriter in defense of an indemnity claim brought by a noted actor and director’s production company and a movie studio